Who We Are...
Our Mission
The mission of Joyful Harvest is to be a light in a dark world by providing worship services, learning opportunities, outreach, support to the community at large, and efficient management of our resources in order that God’s light may shine within and beyond our geographic community.
We Are Forgiven and Reconciled
The growing community of Joyful Harvest is brought together by faith and united by the belief that we are chosen by God as God’s own people, his children through Baptism. We are united through Jesus Christ to be one body under Christ and inspired by the Holy Spirit to be of one spirit. We are loved, blessed, gifted and forgiven people who are saved by the grace and glory of God.
We Are Commissioned to Serve
Through our faith in Jesus Christ as risen Savior, we are committed to His teachings, called by God to serve, commissioned to use our talents for the Kingdom of God, and reconciled by Christ. We are not so clearly defined that you have to find a place where you fit in. We believe that God calls people into a congregation, and your presence here is a gift to us. Your ideas and needs are valued and important. People who become part of Joyful Harvest quickly influence our ministry. We want to hear your ideas! Join us in worship!
As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we value: F - Family Worship R - Relying on Prayer U - United in Christ I - Instruction in the Word T - Telling Others S - Service to God's Community |
A Place for You